Negrese Dietetice (fără zahăr, 100% sănătoase)

După cum am spus în articolul anterior, urma să plec din țară pentru o scurtă perioadă. M-am întors, însă am adus cu mine o tonă de emoții pozitive și o colecție de amintiri frumoase. Am văzut Budapesta, am fost în Viena unde am avut ocazia să vizitez palatul Schönnbrunn și grădina Zoologică și mi-am distrus […]

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Healthy Low-Calorie Brownies (sugar free, low-fat)

As I said in the previous article, was going to leave the country for a short period. I returned, but I brought a ton of positive emotions and a collection of memories. I saw Budapest, I was in Vienna where I had the opportunity to visit the Schönbrunn Palace and the Zoo and I destroyed […]

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Healthy Mango Panna Cotta (no added sugar, low-fat)

Lately I spent very little time at home since I visited my parents and grandparents, I was on vacation and I had a hiking getaway. In a few days I will leave the country again, this time in Austria, but I promise I will try to be more active when I return. I had a […]

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Healthy Chocolate Croissants (Sugar Free, Low Fat, Whole Grain)

I think that those who follow my activity already know that I’m trying to avoid the products with white flour and consume as little gluten as possible in general. However, sometimes a “want” hits me and I realise that I eat as clean as possible and in reasonable quantities, I regularly exercise and I have one life only, which […]

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Batoane Proteice Fara Zahar cu Zmeura si Ciocolata Alba

Dupa prima incercare reusita de a face batoane proteice fara zahar, deja stiam ca nu o sa ma opresc la o singura aroma. M-am tot gandit la diverse texturi si ingrediente pe care as putea sa le incorporez intr-un baton, iar versiunea castigatoare a fost cea pe care v-o prezint de data asta. Bineinteles, o […]

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Ciocolata Calda Fara Zahar

A venit primavara, insa in ultimele zile mie mi-au clantanit dintii in gura si mi-am dat inca o data seama cat de important este sa consultam prognoza meteo. Tot in ultimele doua zile nu am fost foarte multumita de alegerile mele vestimentare atunci cand eu stateam in geaca de piele, iar afara erau 8 grade Celsius, insa […]

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