Homemade Healthy Truvia Alike Non-Caloric Sweetener

Truvia is a non-caloric sweetener made with erythritol, stevia extract and natural flavors. It is one of the few sweeteners on the market that are made with erythritol and stevia and it is the only one that I’ve found on Amazon and iherb. Еrythritol is а sugаr аlcohol thаt hаs bееn аpprovеd for usе аs а food аdditivе in thе Unitеd Stаtеs аnd throughout much of thе world. It occurs nаturаlly in somе fruit аnd fеrmеntеd foods. Еrythritol is 60–70% аs swееt аs sucrosе (tаblе sugаr), yеt it is аlmost noncаloric, doеs not аffеct blood sugаr, doеs not cаusе tooth dеcаy, аnd is pаrtiаlly аbsorbеd by thе body, еxcrеtеd in urinе аnd fеcеs. Undеr U.S. Food аnd Drug Аdministrаtion (FDА) lаbеling rеquirеmеnts, it hаs а cаloric vаluе of 0.2 kilocаloriеs pеr grаm (95% lеss thаn sugаr аnd othеr cаrbohydrаtеs), though nutritionаl lаbеling vаriеs from country to country. Somе countriеs, such аs Jаpаn аnd thе Unitеd Stаtеs, lаbеl it аs zеro-cаloriе, whilе thе Еuropеаn Union currеntly lаbеls it аt 0 kcаl/g. Because erythritol is not as sweet as sugar is, we have to add some stevia extract, because otherwise we would have to use a very large quantity of erythritol. Erythritol may cause bloating but I didn’t experience any discomfort after consuming this sweetener.

I live in Romania and here we have two brands that have this kind of kind of sweetener: LCW (a german brand) and Green Sugar (a Romanian brand). Even though I also use other types of sweeteners, most often I reach for my erythritol with stevia combo. I just adore it bacause it gives me enough sweetness without also giving bitterness or any other specific taste.

It is hard for me to purchase Truvia but I managed to put my hands on a box and I should say that the brands that I regularly use are a lot better. Truvia is almost too sweet and is has that stevia specific taste which I personally can’t stand.

Because in almost all of my recipes I use erythritol with stevia and I don’t think that if you live in USA or UK you will order your sweetener from Romania, I decided to make my own Truvia alike sweetener. Once you will try this recipe I’m sure you will never go back to another sweetener, you have my word! 😀


Homemade Healthy Truvia Alike Non-Caloric Sweetener
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Portii Timp de preparare
500 g 5 minutes
Portii Timp de preparare
500 g 5 minutes
Homemade Healthy Truvia Alike Non-Caloric Sweetener
Imprima reteta
Portii Timp de preparare
500 g 5 minutes
Portii Timp de preparare
500 g 5 minutes
Portii: g
  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a jar, close the lid and mix for 2 minutes to ensure the equal spreading of the stevia. Store in an airtight container.
  2. Enjoy!
Notitele retetei

Click on each ingredient to see where you can buy it.

© Dulciurile Nu Ingrasa. All the materials posted on this site are my own and are protected by copyright under Romanian and International legislation in force . Using recipes commercial purposes is prohibited, as well as reposting them without mentioning the author and the source.

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That is my recipe for a zero calorie sweetener made with erythritol with stevia. Try it and tell me what you think!

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